I am Amir Mahdi Rasouli, a 23-year-old computer engineering graduated student and a masters degree student at Sharif University of Technology, currently studying computer architecture. I am also an experienced Python programmer and web developer for more than 4 years. While my primary focus is Python I have some experience in Front-end (JavaScript), Android (Java), etc. You can check out my projects on my Github .
I love indie games
Looking for something else?
Check out my Github for more projects or feel free to contact me for further information!
I am currently furthering my studies within the Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory at Sharif University of Technology.
Operating TurtleBot 3 and implementing reinforcement learning, Prof. Rahmani.
Implementing cloud computing systems for Arak University, Prof. Rahmani.
Logic Design for CE students, Prof. Hessabi.
Fundamental of Programming (C language) for CE students, Prof. Rahmani
Software Engineering, Dr. Reihanian
Advanced programming for Computer Engineering students, Dr. Reihanian
System Analysis and Design for undergraduate Computer Engineering students, Dr. Reihanian
Microprocessors and Assembly Language, Eng. Jalalvandi
Computer Architecture, Eng. Jalalvandi
Software testing for undergraduate CE students, Eng. Gholami
(Head of assignments) Advanced programming (C++ language) for CE students, Prof. Rahmani
(Head of assignments) Fundamental of programming (C language) for CE students, Prof. Rahmani
Computer lab for CE students, Eng. Jalalvandi
Fundamental of Programming (C language) for CE students, Prof. Rahmani
After my internship I worked as a junior web developer at Roupel until my graduation.
I started my work in Roupel as a Django developer intern since August 2019. After about 3 months of learning about Django framework I participated in some of Roupel's web projects.I also were given some assignments related to devops and system administration.
A CLI tool for automating of programming "models.py" files which contain django models
A tool for running "deductive fault simulation" on a logical circuit file using ISCAS standard format
An Android app for observing the properties of network
Bachelor's degree, Computer Engineering
Ranked 1st in Cumulative GPA among students in Computer Engineering Department, class of 2019
Activities and societies:
High School Diploma, Mathematics and Physics